A threath from the outside, acryl and charcoal on paper, 130 X 100 cm, 2005
Chainreaction, oil on canvas, 140 X 200 cm, 2002-03
Childrens´colouring book, oil on canvas, 100 X 200 cm, 2007
Before TV people used to watch cross-stitch works 3, oil on canvas, 80 X 100 cm, 2004
Before TV people used to watch cross-stitch works 2, oil on canvas, 125 X 155 cm, 2004
Before TV people used to watch cross-stitch works 2, oil on canvas, 155 X 125 cm, 2004
Before TV people used to watch cross- stitch works 1, oil on canvas, 80 X 100 cm, 2004
Koirat / Dogs, öljy kankaalle / oil on canvas, 80 X 100 cm, 1998
Non scholae, sed vitae, oil on canvas, 160 X 150 cm, 2004
Life on pedestrial crossing, oil on canvas, 190 X 150 cm, 2004
Childrens´culture, acryl on paper, 126 X 90 cm, 2006
The news section of the newspaper, acryl, oil pencil, ink on paper, 140 X 110 cm, 2006
The blue dream, acryl and collage on paper, 120 X 100 cm, 2004
The relation between knowledge and action, oil on board, 120 X 150 cm, 2005
Disfunction, acryl and collage on paper, 120 X 100 cm, 2004
A potholder meeting friends, acryl and photograph on paper, 100 X 85 cm, 2005
The culture section of a newspaper, acryl, oil, photograph on paper, 140 X 110 cm, 2005
The wig is on one side, acryl and charcoal on paper, 140 X 120 cm, 2004
Abstrakt reality, oil on board and plexiglass, 125 X 85 cm, 2005
Homage a´Edward Munch, oil on board, 92 X 113 cm, 2004
The last leaf of the autumn, oil on canvas, 65 X 100 cm, 2003
Guilty of exploitation of children, oil on canvas, 80 X 100 cm, 2003
A giant got lost, oil on canvas, 105 X 150 cm, 2003
Kaikki on suhteellista / Relativity, öljy kankaalle / oil on canvas, 130 X 150 cm, 2002
Taideteoreetikko 2 / An art theorist 2, öljy kankaalle / oil on canvas, 130 X 170 cm, 2003
Art theorist 2, oil on canvas, 140 X 140 cm, 2003
At art school, oil on canvas, 150 X 150 cm, 2001
The corner of my atelier, oil on canvas, 190 X 150 cm, 2001
Couple relationships, oil on canvas, 90 X 145 cm, 2000
Evil got what it earned, oil on canvas, 85 X 195 cm, 2000
Four everyday incidents, oil on canvas, 140 X 200 cm, 2001-02
Espresso is boiling and snails are rushing around, oil on canvas, 135 X 115 cm, 1997
Leaving the cross, oil on canvas, 135 X 115 cm, 1997
Birth, school, work, death, oil on canvas, 150 X 130 cm, 1997
Humans free will ? Oil on canvas, 130 X 150 cm, 1998
Advertisement 1, oil on canvas, 150 X 200 cm, 1993
Watching TV, oil on canvas, 170 X 200 cm, 1999
Reception of an eye-bricklayer, oil on canvas, 170 X 200 cm, 2000
Artist´s brains, oil on canvas, 170 X 200 cm, 2002-03
Hurry and difficulty to choose, oil on canvas, 170 X 200 cm, 1999
Father and son, oil on canvas, 200 X 170 cm, 1999-2000
You´ll be loved, oil on canvas, 200 X 170 cm, 1999
Love conquers differences, oil on canvas, 210 X 300 cm, 2003-09
Many roads, oil on canvas, 200 X 150 cm, 2001
Renovation, oil on canvas, 154 X 276 cm, 2003
The cancer of the painting, oil on canvas, 140 X 140 cm, 2002-03
The advertisement 2, oil on canvas, 170 X 200 cm, 1982
Jo riittää / Seen enough, öljy kankaalle / oil on canvas, 200 X 150 cm, 1994
The wallpaper, oil on canvas, 200 X 170 cm, 1994
From the 80´s
From the 80´s
Viivojen itsenäistyminen / The lines become independent, akryyli ja hiili kankaalle / acryl and charcoal on canvas, 100 X 80 cm, 1992
From the 80´s
From the 80´s
From the 80´s
Kontrasteja / Contrasts, öljy kankaalle / oil on canvas, 200 X 170 cm, 1992
From the 80´s
Viivat kapinoivat / The lines are rebelling, hiili, akryyli ja lyijykynä paperille / charcoal, acryl and pencil on paper, 100 X 75 cm, 1992
Suorakaiteen eristäminen / Isolating the right angle, hiili, pigmentti ja akryyli / charcoal, pigment and acryl, 65 X 43 cm, 1993
Neliöön sidottu violetti / Violet is connected with a square, hiili, akryyli, pigmentti ja lyijykynä/ charcoal, pigment, acryl and pencil, 64 X 100 cm, 1995
From the 80´s
From the 80´s
Vapaus leviää / Freedom is spreading, akryyli paperille / acryl on paper, 65 X 50 cm, 1991
From the 80´s
Forwards 1, acryl and charcoal on paper, 24 X 75 cm, 2004
Forwards 2, acryl and charcoal on paper, 24 X 75 cm, 2004
On a walk to the past and the future, acryl and charcoal on paper, 140 X 120 cm, 2004
The revenge, oil on canvas, 180 X 155 cm, 2004
Artistic working, oil on canvas, 150 X 170 cm, 1990-2006
An evening at home without a television, oil on canvas, 170 X 200 cm, 2005-06
Galleriassa / In the gallery, öljy kankaalle / oil on canvas, 150 X 190 cm, 2002
Taideinstituution edustaja siunaa taiteilijan / An artist is blessed by the representative of the art institution, Öljy kankaalle / oil on canvas, 160 X 205 cm, 2003
Kohtaamisia / encounter, akryyli ja hiili paperille / acryl and charcoal on paper, 165 X 125 cm, 2000
Unelmointia / dreaming, sekatekniikka / mixed media/oilcolor, collage, 70 X 95 cm, 2000
Darwinismia / Darwinism, sekatekniikka / mixed media, oilcolor & collage, 70 X 95 cm, 2000
Rahan synty / The birth of money, akryyli ja lyijykynä paperille / acryl and pencil on paper, 50 X 78 cm, 2003
Syystä tai toisesta / Because of one reason or another, öljy kankaalle / oil on canvas, 180 X 160 cm, 2000
Pinokkio Koijärvellä / Pinoccio in Koijärvi, öljy kankaalle / oil on canvas, 75 X 90 cm, 1997
Kolmiodraama / Triangle drama, öljy kankaalle / oil on canvas, 85 X 100 cm, 1997
Ihottuma / Rash, hiili ja guassi / charcoal and guash, 82 X 64 cm, 1987
Yksinäinen leijailija / Lonely floater, hiili ja akryyli / charcoal, acryl and guash, 82 X 64 cm, 1987
Vihdoinkin / At last, hiili ja guassi paperille / charcoal and guache on paper, 90 X 70 cm, 1987
Erottamattomat / Inseparables, öljy kankaalle / oil on canvas, 115 X 85 cm, 1986
Väärin tiskattu / Dishes washed wrongly, akryyli paperille / acryl on paper, 98 X 84 cm, 2003
Väärin keitetyt perunat / Potatoes cooked wrongly, akryyli ja hiili paperille / acryl and charcoal on paper, 98 X 76 cm, 2003
Kommunikointia / Communication, akryyli paperille / acryl on paper, 59 X 84 cm, 2003
Vanhemmuus hukassa / Lost parenthood, akryyli paperille / acryl on paper, 59 X 84 cm, 2003
Äidin kädestä / From mother´s hand, akryyli paperille / acryl on paper, 58 X 70 cm, 2003
Uusioperhe / The new family, akryyli ja hiili paperille / acryl and charcoal on paper, 65 X 56 cm, 2004
Lose-lose tilanne / Lose-lose situation, öljy kankaalle / oil on canvas, 170 X 200 cm, 1980
Kaksi miestä, joilla on työtä / Two men who have work, öljy kankaalle / oil on canvas, 100 X 80 cm, 1977
Tuoliasetelma, / Still-life (chairs), öljy kankaalle / oil on canvas, 120 X 100 cm, 1978